A day FULL of celebration!

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Yesterday was such a beautiful day, so many nice things happened all in one day! 
There is SO much to be grateful for!

I was outside picking wild blackberries. I even found enough to freeze some!

Then what happened? I realized that 

I have a 100 followers on Instagram!

This is really sweet! I can't believe it, it is such a nice number! :) That made me happy and confident that people like what I am doing. That they want to see my art and follow my updates. I really enjoy taking pictures too, and I am excited about this particular community because it's based on photo sharing. So nice. And THANK YOU! Thank you Stars, Universe and Soul! This is amazing!

Next thing, I opened my inbox and had a mail from a guy that sells my cards 
in his shop here in France. He told me that 

He sold some of my cards in his shop! 

He sold some of my cards in his shop! 

He sold some of my cards in his shop! 

I can't believe my luck! It just makes me so happy! I put some of my prints and cards in his shop in early April, and have heard nothing since, so I was a little discouraged. Now I feel so pleased to feel the water flowing under the bridge! YES!

Last great thing that happened is something I feel extremely excited about! I was on the phone to my mum and she agreed to start a blog! This is so exciting! My mother is a therapist. She has worked for many years with groups and individuals helping them getting through the loss of a loved one. She has a natural talent for grief counseling and she loves writing and sharing her thoughts. I said "You must share this!". Yesterday she said "OK, it's agreed! I am going to make a blog!". I couldn't be happier! I look forward to seeing all the goodness coming from my mother's hand and I am sure many people will benefit from this new step! 

And now to some...

Quiet Reflections

You've probably noticed that a lot more is happening on the blog now than before. I have been trying to 'work' this blog for a long time and I 've had a lot of questions and worries about it that kept me from blogging. To be truthful, I was afraid to blog. And afraid to share my thoughts. I wanted someone from the outside to come and tell me that I was doing alright.
In the meantime, I wasn't blogging. I was keeping to myself. A lot of thoughts, inspiration and ideas, just kept them to myself. In the end I got SO STUCK and felt so limited that I couldn't make anything work! Not in the studio, and I couldn't open up! I was shut down, holding back all this light (which it, essentially is, right?). I felt I was no good, my ideas weren't working. My flow wasn't there.
So what happened? I wrote down my thoughts about blogging. And I realized I had a lot invested in other people approving my work! As soon as I started to connect with that person inside me who really wants to blog, I noticed there are heaps of things she wants to talk about and communicate. And it doesn't matter if other people approve. I am not doing it for them - I am doing it for me! :D

Happy Sunday everyone!

Thank you for supporting me, thank you for making this happen!

Thanks for the love and nurturance I am surrounded with!

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