Balance. What Is It?!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Morning tide. And the thoughts awaken. So much to do, things to get ready. I start to feel my head buzzing. My body is alert. Too much to do.

Yesterday I watched a video about nutrition. I really don't get that the guy says "start off with fruit first thing in the morning". For me that's like pushing sugar straight into my veins from the early beginning of the day. I enjoy my eggs. And a carrot. I like carrots. They keep me healthy.

I made illustrations for Marie's blog. She is a dietitian so she knows a lot about food and how we react to it. She helps women, especially women with PCO, to find a balance in their diet. To lose weight and to be more aware of what we are eating.

I like that. Especially with Christmas coming up.

I use to give my self much more carte blanche to whatever I wanted to eat for Christmas. And it's not like I am holding back now. But things have changed. I no longer enjoy food the same way I did. Or let me say I enjoy the richness of the food much more than the quantity.

The thing is, lately I've been going really deep into the pattern about things. Feeling them through. There is so much suffering. So much imbalance in our world. We have to be the balance. We must do that for ourselves; find a lifestyle that is in balance.

What IS balance? We have heard the word before, but what does it mean to be in balance?

To me, being in balance means waking in the morning and be full of energy. Not worry to much about the past or the future. Being in balance means to respond with kindness, with openness and with a clear intention. Being in balance means respecting the world; people, nature, around me AND be exactly who I am. To speak my truth. To step forward if I need to. To stand back when I need it. Being in balance means being healthy and carrying healthy thoughts and agendas. To be that kindness. To be that love that can embrace. But also to be that person to say no. Who knows her resources and is not some kind of saint but a real person. Someone to say enough.
Or no.
Or not right now.
Or not at all.

To really honour that soul that I am - so I can get much more joy, kindness and sacredness into my life.
Each person is different. And we all need different things to make our life feel rich. What does being in balance mean to you?, if I may ask. :-)

When I look outside, nature is in balance.  Her change is constant AND in balance. I am much more worried about people! Do we really know what ignites us? Do we understand who we are? Do we know what we need, I mean, are we aware of it?!

Everything starts with awareness. There is a natural balance inside us, a natural way of life, so powerful and present that we were born with it, and we will die in it. This knowledge, this knowing of Everything's Flow. We know it. It lives inside us. It is us!

But can we silence the voices and hear it, and grasp a little of it's sunshine?

Blessed day, lovely. Blessed day.

Winter sun rising over the mountains.

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