And the winner is...

Saturday, April 05, 2014

Krisztina Madarász from Hungary! Congratulations! Krisztinas story touched me deeply. Here is some of what she said about her favorite March drawing - No. 10 Rescue Dogs

"I have never had a dog up until 2 years ago. In just two years, a part of me is absolutely changed because of this little abandoned dog. He is the green one under the sun.  I love this artwork! Colorful ink blots, and all funny dogs. Not only dogs, but I can recognize what kind of dogs. And one more thing: this drawing was made on 10th of March, this is my loved husband's birthday. This day is very special for me. And maybe if you send me this drawing, the dogs are going so, so far away. Maybe if you send your dogs so far, maybe the energy will be bigger and bigger with the distance, and maybe this energy will drive a dog to your home. "

This is a wonderful story!

Have a nice weekend everyone and thanks to ALL who have participated in the GIVE AWAY! It was a wonderful experience that I am HAPPY to do again! 

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