
Winter Bear

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

I found that creating christmas cards and entering that whole process is very much about celebration and paying tribute to something. I realize what I create will be spreading to other people, other homes and so I found it (as I always do) important to be true to myself and my own stories of celebration. Under my bucket of water it says "Hyldest" on a piece of paper. That means celebration, honoring, tribute.

After creating the very detailed christmas tree celebration scene, I wanted to make something a bit quicker and more loose. I have bears flowing around in me at the moment, and very soon a big polar bear stepped forward, in the company of a little girl. I used different medias for this one, oil crayon, watercolor and tucsh.

This card has a funny story, and actually this often happens during the creation of a picture: In my head, the story is about a girl and a polar bear keeping her safe. But then, something happens, a deeper levels occurs, something I hadn't predicted, and the image changes. Suddenly the picture is about the girl and Bear being in alliance; are they protecting each other? Do they know something we don't? Is it suddenly about climate change and the threat polar bears face in the arctics? Are they more than just cuddly faces - are they here to tell us their truth?

I create shooting stars by scraping off the surface of the paper with a thin calligraphy pen.

I use my special 'Made in Denmark' knife to slide the paper off the block. It's kinda like a ritual that says: the drawing is finished.

Ah! With all this luxury christmas celebration wonder, surely christmas can't be long now :D 

Thank you for following :)


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