Felt an urge to share these photos from my exhibition in summer 2013, in Arbejdernes Landsbank Køge, Denmark. This exhibition was big; with 25 pieces of art, created between 2008 and with the most recent one nearly drying on the wall! Some of them small, some of them big, some of them watercolors and some acrylics.
I made this tile especially for this exhibition, and after I did, I just wanted to make more,
cause it made me so happy! So look out - new tiles available soon! (This one is sold).
The Purple Tree… On a tree!
Me (behind the painting!) and the large canvas Bug (Spirit) from 2009
Here is the bank located in the square of Køge (Køge Torv).
The paintings arrive! I wanted to include this photo (and the next) because it's important to show all the labor and HARD work, that it takes to put up an exhibition! It's not all about the paintings: hours and hours of work have been put into an event like this! And it's soooo worth it!
Notice the poster in the window, btw.
My wonderful dad - ever so helpful and brilliant in situations like this! Thank you, Dad!
Final wall at the bank displaying 6 small canvases.
Blue painting in the middle: The original Sundance painting,
that I made into a print, because it makes me so happy and lifts my spirit!
Enjoying the day! (Dad took this shot, he quite good I think!)
The hall way with 3 original watercolors; Puddle Girl, Moonboat (sold) and This is Us.
The Aboriginal Wall! With Solid Earth (closest one) and Snake (blue one).
Apples to your right (also available as greeting card!)
The Blue Room! With blue acrylics and the wonderful,
creamy watercolor Swimming II in the far end
Jane Scouv Lapain (branch manager of Arbejdernes Landsbank in Køge) and I,
posing for the local newspaper!
Uh, the gorgeous, gorgeous Walk in Beauty, walk in Peace painting!
This painting is made from many different materials! Original painting available here.
(Available also as colourful greeting card)
May Tree. Adorable. And always make me think of spring :)
Ah, Spirit is looking over the copy machine - every bank needs bait of spirit and lifting up, I feel :D
The happy painter amongst 2 older friends and 1 new; from left to right String (sold),
the colourful Sword and the large wooden board painting Slanger (snakes).
Photo from the Open House / Vernissage Day, 2 months later :)